
Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel

The technical address for this chapel is 15 Our Lady of Sorrows St, Arroyo Hondo, NM, but Apple Maps has it listed as 3 Hondo Seco Rd, El Prado, NM. Google Maps will direct you to Our Lady of Sorrows if you enter the proper address, 15 Our Lady of Sorrows St, Arroyo Hondo, NM.


Santo Niño Chapel

The technical address for this chapel is 12 Santo Niño Rd, Los Colonias, NM, but Apple Maps and Google Maps have it listed as 18 Santo Nino Rd, El Prado, NM 87529.


San Cristobal Chapel

This chapel may be found by entering the following in Apple Maps: 17 Camino del Medio, Taos, NM 87564. If you direct toward the same address in Google Maps, you will come close. Just look for the chapel that looks like this picture.


San Antonio de Padua Chapel

We do not have an exact address for this chapel, but it may be found off of Hwy 230 in Valdez, NM. In Apple Maps, direct toward San Antonio Rd, Taos, NM 87571. If you use Google Maps, simply turn left before you reach a bar (namely, an establishment to get a drink) as you are going North on Hwy 230. We should have signage off of Hwy 230 fairly soon. In the meantime, the only sign that leads directly to this chapel is the “Post Office” sign near the aforementioned bar.