We are found at 498 NM-150, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514.

The map, below, helps to show where we are. If you do get lost, simply come to Arroyo Seco (on the way to Taos Ski Valley from Taos, as you drive up NM-150), and once you see the storefront of a yarn shop called Taos Wools, you are basically there. Turn into that parking lot (that of the yarn shop), drive through the alley, and you are in our parking lot.


The original Holy Trinity Parish church in Arroyo Seco is an excellent example of the early 19th century historic mission churches of Northern New Mexico. Dating from the 1830’s, its thick adobe walls, heavy pine vigas, hand-crafted corbels and original altar screen tell of the intense faith that motivated the early settlers who built it, using only the simplest of tools: their hands, wood and earth.

In 1965, to accommodate a growing congregation, a new church was built and the “old” one was used less and less, and began to fall into disrepair. “Any time I drove by, it hurt me to see that,” said community member Palemón Martínez. In 1989, there was a real concern in the community that the structural problems of the building were worsening, putting the church in danger of collapse. The local Church Restoration Committee asked an institution out of Santa Fe called Cornerstones to perform a technical assessment of the building and in 1994 they began a restoration effort in earnest. Today, the community of Holy Trinity Parish is happy to use both church buildings throughout the year.

Come visit us to experience the beautiful patrimony of Northern New Mexico!