If you would like to join in our mission at Holy Trinity Parish by donating to our operating account online, please click the button below. This operation may be used both for one-time and recurring donations. Note that when donating, you will only be able to donate to one fund, that is, “Sunday Envelopes.” This fund is labeled according to an accounting constraint, but can be used by anyone, and goes to our general fund nonetheless. Thanks for helping our mission!

Additionally, to help our parish contribute to this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, please click below. Don’t forget to type in who sent you—Holy Trinity (La Santísima Trinidad) in Arroyo Seco. ;)

We now have a ParishSoft app that will allow you to tithe, give Mass stipends, receive updates and much more! You can also monitor your online giving with this tool. If you are worried about security, be assured that ParishSoft has state of the art security monitoring—here is a statement from their website: “ParishSOFT Giving meets all the strictest PCI/DSS security standards, such as SSL Certificates and encryption, intrusion detection, and transaction security.”